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   Building Owners and Managers Association Nashville

2024 Holiday Party Sponsorships

  • 12/12/2024
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM


  • Signage at coat check.
  • Day of event signage + 10 songs selection
  • Signage at bars
  • Day of Signage
  • Logo on Napkins
  • Day of Signage
  • Logo on digital copies of photos.
  • Small watermark on photos or logo on link to photos
  • Day of Signage.
  • Logo on official invite, allow 3 other attendees from company.


This page is to register your sponsorship for the 2024 Holiday Party. Registering for a sponsorship does not register you to attend the event.

To register to attend the Holiday Party, please visit: https://www.bomanashville.com/event-5905923